Monday, August 4, 2008

My sister's Vejigante diorama

My brilliant and creative sister Judy, who happens to be a professor of English at the University of Puerto Rico, assembled this charming diorama on her kitchen floor.
The Vejigante is a sort of clown who chases away evil spirits. These characters appear at the carnivals in Puerto Rico and are attributed to the fusion of African, Spanish and Caribbean cultures which enrich Puerto Rico. This Vejigante is rowing the 3 Laughing Buddhas and the Angel across the mystic linoleum sea. When I visited Puerto Rico with her I fell in love with the amazing brightly colored and captivating little statues.

The whole point of this post is to show the picture but so far i can't do it. i will persist!! OK!! I just walked down to the library and managed to upload the rowboat picture. Thank you Ash Fork Public Library. And thank you, Judy, for enriching our visual experience!!