Glenn and I just watched Sheldan Nidle's new video, Journey Into Joy. Sheldan is an amazing teacher and I have been reading his weekly updates for many years. He receives messages from the Sirians, highly enlightened beings who care about us humans on Earth.
So - all the chaos and and dark times we are currently experiencing will be short lived. We will transform ourselves as the Earth, Sun and whole solar system transform into the fifth dimension. A glorious new world awaits us! Sheldan says we will then live inside the Earth's hollow core in crystal cities in a subtropical paradise. The outer Earth will be restored to it's pristine beauty, and will not be inhabited by humans. We will become part of the Galactic Federation of Light and be able to visit other planets. I heartily recommend Sheldan's website, www.Paoweb.com and all his dvd's. It is a huge source of encouragement and upliftment.
Comments from their site:
In Sheldan's New DVD Learn Why...
Joy is the Key to Unlocking
the Secrets of the Universe
This is your BEST WORK YET. I have always felt that Religion must be replaced with "Sacred Science." This is what I feel Sheldan has accomplished with this dvd. Thought always precedes matter. The images and formulas revealed accomplished that task. Thank you.
Frank, Missouri
Sheldan, you did it again. Just when I was at my lowest, your dvd came and picked me up. Your updates and dvds always bring me back to JOY and I remember why I came to this planet in the first place. Thank you!
Ann, Norway
Dear PAO, I've been studying metaphysics for 30+ years. I feel like there isn't much more for me to learn. HA! Your dvds always impart new information. Keep it coming!
Dean, Ohio
Journey to Joy DVD
Journey to Joy DVD Topics
• In the Beginning • How the Universe Was Created
• Making A Planet • Our Transforming Solar System
• Planets Are Hollow • Earth’s Destiny
• Fifth Dimensional Inner Earth • The Greater Divine Plan
• Our Galaxy • The Stewards of Earth • Back to Joy